Have you ever felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole? Have you lived somewhere since birth but yet you still don't feel like you really belong here? Have you ever felt like you are the only one who believes in something or someone? Were you raised in a home (as you remember it, at least) that was different than most? Did you live in an area but yet, you really didn't support the one thing that seemed to unite most people in your area?
If this seems to sum you up as it does me...
They're back!
Yes, I have lived in Arkansas all my life and as I remember it...no one in my house were Arkansas Razorback fans...that is, not until my brother attended the University of Arkansas. He is a die hard fan now. I could have cared less about any football growing up except for my high school team...all others, well, they were a waste of my precious time. My dad might have watched football on television but I don't remember it running like it does in my house now.
It has started again already....Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sundays...at least. If that's not bad enough...but try this....Try living in Arkansas and being married to the University of South Carolina Gamecock #1 fan! No, this is an inadequate statement...Roger is a University of South Carolina graduate, former Gamecock Letterman, former Gamecock defensive end, former Gamecock football captain, son of a former Gamecock offensive and defensive end, as well as a former football captain plus is a brother to a former Gamecock offensive end and football captain....think the Gamecock blood doesn't run deep!
When you marry a Gamecock...you become a Gamecock!!! You take the good, the bad and the ugly...stand by your Gamecocks regardless of their record.
Then, add a little more to that with...we attend WM 1st A/G...home of the most dedicated Arkansas Razorback die hard fan/pastor in history, along with a few Tennessee Vols fans as members too.
Do you think we are outnumbered? It just keeps getting better....we are surrounded by Razorback fans in our town, in our subdivision and they ALL know we are Gamecock fans. We proudly fly the Gamecock flag outside our house, have had the Gamecock license plates and bumper stickers plus we proudly wear the University of South Carolina Gamecock official football apparel.
Of course, we have been the target of all the SEC jokes in the past, the jabs from the pulpit, the poking fun remarks and we even, had our flag stolen last year after we lost to Arkansas...as a joke! All in good fun.
Hey, but when we win or lose...we always show up for church on Sunday unlike some Tennessee Vols fans...when they lose to the Gamecocks or Razorbacks...they don't come to church.
Yes, Roger is a gracious winner (ok, when we win) and is never obnoxious...he just wears his Gamecock polo to church! I know...it might not be often but it has happened.Roger just said that is Steve Spurrier can pull it off this year and win...he will be obnoxious...in a nice way, though!
Yea...That's my man! Roger #85...in the 1st picture...making the tackle and almost stripping the football away. Picture #2...He is being mobbed by his teammates after picking off a pass in the last seconds of the game against Kentucky...resulting in a 14-14 tie!
Sorry, nothing spiritual on this post...the rivalry has begun again for another season of football.
We love you, Pastor Rusty and friends! Sorry, but that might be the only jab of this season I get to make:) Go Gamecocks!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Living Deep In The Enemy Territory
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Heart's Longings
My heart has been full of many longings lately. It has been very heavy at times like a huge weight is sitting on my chest...literally, pulling downward on my heart...sometimes...like a sinking feeling. I am so thankful that I can take each and every one of these longings to my Heavenly Father, lay them at His feet and trust Him to do His perfect Will in my life and with each of these longings. I want to share some of them with you.
My heart has been longing for:
- all my children to serve Jesus Christ in their everyday lives
- Tyler to grow bigger, stronger...a longing in his heart too (sports)
- spend more time with each one of our children and son-in-law
- Tyler to continue to be a leader with morals and values...the minority right now in our schools
- spend more time with our grandson
- continue to develop new relationships with people that I've known for a long time but haven't gotten to "know" them and meet new friends
- step outside my comfort zone...live outside the box
- have friends over for a great time of fellowship
- a simplified life
- less hectic work schedules...God has already begun to answer that prayer...husband has awesome new job for a wonderful Christian man who speaks God's Word daily to his employees and writes Biblical messages on the board for them, comes home for lunch, home by 5:30 PM, gets to watch Ty practice football with boss's blessing, can go into the police department to work a shift with his boss's permission to leave early, can take Tyler to school in the mornings, can pick the boys up from football practice, no more interstate travel (works 5 miles from home), no more out of town travels and very little stress....He's happy at work. God is so good! We have been praying for this for quite some time now.
- get out of the investment property business...rental houses...this is well on it's way to being complete as well....PTL!
- to know where my other son is...for him to contact his mom who loves him more than her own life and who would give her life for him to return to the Lord...get his life right with God
- be more involved in helping others
- to be used by God to help the hurting because of my life's experiences
- restored relationships with family and friends
- a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ
- a deeper knowledge of God's Word
These are just some of the longings that are very precious and very real in my heart and in my spirit right now.
Psalms 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. (NIV)
Psalms 37:4 Keep company with GOD, get in on the best. (Message)
Psalms 37:4 Seek your happiness in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desire. (GN)
What's your heart's desires or longings today? Tell your Heavenly Father what you long for, trust Him, obey His leading and let Him do the rest.
Have a blessed weekend...Happy Labor Day!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Just Alittle Blog Cleaning :)
I am taking all the things that I love that were posted on my sidebar and copying them here...that way...I still have them but I've cleaned up my sidebar...all at the same time.
I love song lyrics like this...
Whosoever...means...Who So Ever
He Lives Forever...means...He's Never Going To Die
Not Forsaken...means...He Will Never Going To Leave Us
He Reigns Forever...means...He Will Always Be The King On High
Never...means...Our Sins Are Not Remembered
A Living Savior...means...He's No Longer Dead
The FATHER changes NEVER, the BIBLE will live FOREVER and
IT MEANS JUST WHAT IT SAYS! __________________________________________________
Remember When...
When my eyes have cried a million tears;
When my last hope has disappeared;
I know that you'll make a way somehow;
And I know you're holding me right now...
Burdens we bear are heavy rocks, if we don't lay them down.
If we lay them down, they are stepping stones to higher ground.
This Is Powerful!
A friend sent this to me yesterday and the timing couldn't have been better. I was overwhelmed with a very heavy heart for someone very, very dear to me that is not living for the Lord. The choices that they are making and the life that they are living is breaking my heart. I will never stop praying for them to return to the Lord where they belong and I know that God hears every pray that I pray for this person.
This video reminded me that God can take the "BIGGEST MESSES" that we make of our lives and use them for HIS GLORY! For that...I thank you, Heavenly Father that you loved us so much that you sent your only Son that we might have eternal life. I thank you that you are patiently waiting for us to repent and come or return to you. Your Word said that "You will never leave us nor forsake us"...therefore, we are the ones who turn our back on you. You are still standing right where we left you...longing and waiting for us to return to you.
****Scroll down and pause my music...turn your speakers up loud...watch, be blessed and enjoy.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ok...on a much lighter note today...nothing spiritual or religious...just some humor! A friend sent this to me and I loved it...too good not to share especially since the subject of "FRIENDS" has been heavy on my heart over the past few months and I will be blogging more on the subject later.
BUT, this is a good way to view friendship and your friends...I hope my friends feel the same way about me! I just thought I was share this humor with you guys! Laughter and smiling is good for the soul:)
Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality?
Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship. No, cute little smiley faces or dancing flowers...just the stone cold truth of a great friendship.
- When You Are Sad --I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- When You Are Blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
- When You Smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
- When You're Scared -- We will high tail it out of here.
- When You Are Worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!!
- When You Are Confused -- I will use little words.
- When You Are Sick --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
- When You Fall -- I'll pick you up and dust you off.
This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask -- because you are my FRIEND! Friendship is like peeing in your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What Kind of Friend Are You?
Have you ever needed someone to talk to because something was bothering you? You needed someone to confide in? Have you ever needed someone that you could trust to listen, offer good, sound advice but most of all...keep your secret? I would think that we all have from time to time in our lives.
Just as I am sure that we all have been "burned" by a "friend" who went and blabbed our "secret" to someone else. We were hurt, humiliated, angry, left feeling vulnerable, violated and lonely.
As I have been reading and studying God's Word...God holds us to a very high standard. One that tells us to keep our mouths shut, watch what we say and to whom we say it to, keep our confidences and be people of integrity, choose our words carefully and to realize the power of the tongue...we can either help and heal or destroy and kill...JUST WITH OUR MOUTHS AND THE WORDS THAT WE ALLOW TO COME OUT OF IT! Wow...can we say....SELF CONTROL?
Proverbs 18:21
What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words. (Good News)
The Bible is full of scriptures on our mouths, tongue, words...what to speak and what not to speak. God felt it was a very important lesson for us to learn...have we? Let's look at a few more verses.
Proverbs 11:2,3
(2)People who are proud will soon be disgraced. It is wiser to be modest. (3) If you are good, you are guided by honesty. People who can't be trusted are destroyed by their own dishonesty. (Good News)
Proverbs 11:12,13
(12)It is foolish to speak scornfully of others. If you are smart, you will keep quiet. (13) No one who gossips can be trusted with a secret, but you can put confidence in someone who is trustworthy. (Good News)
Proverbs 12:18
Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal. (Good News)
Psalms 39: 1
I said, "I will guard my ways that I may not sin with my tongue; I will keep a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence." (New Revised Standard)
James 1:26
Do any of you think you are religious? If you do not control your tongue, your religion is worthless and you deceive yourself. (Good News)
We need to constantly be thinking about what is going to come out of our mouths BEFORE it comes out! I am a guilty as the next person of opening my mouth and inserting my foot...all the way up to my hip...but I have become more and more aware of my thoughts that I allow to become formed into words before they exit my mouth. I don't want to be guilty of my words cutting or to maim another person, a family member, my spouse, my child, my friend or someone who needed me to be there for them and to help them by encouraging them or lifting them up...not tearing them down. This can be done directly in our words we speak to them or by what we say behind their back...gossip, betrayal of their trust...
I looked up "maim" in my thesaurus and these are some other words that might bring a newer, more visual meaning to that word:
- batter
- cripple
- deface
- disable
- disfigure
- injure
- lacerate
- mangle
- maul
- massacre
- mutilate
Do you want to be guilty of doing this to another person? I certainly don't. Let's all make a commitment today to watch our words carefully BEFORE they come out of our mouths. Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in gear! Also, to be a trustworthy friend to someone to confides in you. Your betrayal can do as much damage if not more to that person when you break that confidence than if you were to speak nasty, mean words directly to their face. You might cause more damage because you will have destroyed their trust in you and possibly others they would have confided in...in the future. Sometimes, we will never know the damage that our words and actions have on the other person because they may never let you know...but the damage is still very much alive and real to them...it runs very deep too.
I have to say that God has blessed me with a number of awesome, trustworthy friends that I can go to in a time of need...some just listen and let me talk, others offer advice, some just give you a hug and tell you that they love you and are praying for you. Each one is unique and I am tremendously blessed to have each one of you in my life....thanks for being the type of friend that God has called you to be.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Where Has Time Gone?
This is my baby...my last child at home...then my home will be empty. Yes, it will be in 4 more years but they will be gone before we know it. To me...it was just yesterday but my husband said a few minutes ago..."seems like a long time ago to me"...guess that's the different in mothers and fathers.
It was just yesterday that...
- my son was born
- that he took his first steps
- spoke his first word
- went to preschool
- started kindergarten
- played his first game of t-ball
- played his first game of peewee basketball
- brought home his first report card
- brought home his first homemade Christmas ornament...which still hangs on the tree
- went to church camp
- played his first game of flag football
- played his first game of contact football
- went through elementary school
- went through intermediate school
- went through middle school
- became a member of the youth group
- played 7th grade school football
- entered jr. high school
- played 8th grade football
- made jr. high track team
- went on his first youth missions trip
- took his driver's test and passed:)
- drove my car for the 1st time
I am so proud of Tyler...he has grown into a very responsible, Christian young man. He is a leader, giving, well-mannered, polite, considerate, family oriented, excellent student, thoughtful, friends with everyone, fun loving and handsome young man. Is it obvious...just how much we love him and how very, very proud we are of him? I hope so...because we are:)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Plate
Pastor Brad McMath shared this video with us this Sunday morning in church and it had such an impact on me...I wanted to share it with each of you. Thanks Pastor Brad!
Scroll down and pause my music before playing this video:)
When we put our tithes and offerings in the offering plate in church...where do you see your money going? What is it being used for? Have you ever really thought about it? Watch this video and I think it. Nothing comes free in this life and that includes the function and ministry of your church both locally and on the mission field. Are we each doing our part?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Total Forgiveness VI: Pray For Blessings To Come To Those Who Hurt You?...You've Got To Be Kidding Me, Right?
There was some residual anger and hurts from toward my ex-husband and his mistress at the time…that I thought I had dealt with…but not completely. My anger had more to do with the way that he treated our son and my feelings toward him personally rather than toward her. She had always been good to Brandon...she loved him, treated him good and took care of him...way more than his own father did. I forgave her a long, long time ago but had trouble forgiving him because he didn't make any effort to change things. (He still hasn't to this day.) I know that I wasn't the perfect parent and I made lots of mistakes but I honestly blame him for the majority of Brandon's problems growing up. Issues that Brandon battles with today...have a lot to do with his father but he is grown now and he has to choose to let it control him or he can choose to control it.
During this time, we were in the middle of a lawsuit that I talked about previously and being that it was brought on my people that we had been friends and neighbors with for a couple of years...this added to the anger and unforgiveness. As I have mentioned in previous entries on this subject...I had been hurt, as well as, my family had been hurt by different ones over the course of my life and the life of my family members. However, this particular attack of the enemy on our lives by our former friends was one of the most hurtful events that I can recall and it was the one siutation that took the most to forgive and get past. I had already had some practice in the forgiving area but when God asked me to pray for them, ask Him to forgive them because I had already forgiven them...I said..."ok, I can do that"...THEN...he asked me to pray for them and ask Him to bless them, their family, their finances and their lives. I was screaming at this point..."Come on God, you have got to be kidding!...there is no way that I am going to pray that you bless these people who have personally attacked our family, our finances and our reputation...forget it!!!!". Well, thank God...He does not listen to us whine and complain but continues to push us, pull us, send people into our lives to encourage us to do the right thing and allows the Holy Spirit to continue to work on us from the inside until it becomes evident on the outside that we were obedient to God.
However, for me…the absolutely hardest part of the entire “Total Forgiveness” process was praying for them and asking God to bless them. During the sermon on “Blessing those who hurt us”…I walked out of church during the alter call. I just couldn’t do it. It made me angry all over again to think that God really wanted me to pray and believe Him to bless those who hurt me. Why? I battled with that for a couple of weeks and I finally agreed with Pastor Rusty that I would go through the motions, even though…I didn’t mean it. He kept telling me that if I was faithful and obedient in this area…God would do the rest. Because of the current situation…I agreed that every time I drove past their house (which was twice a day taking Tyler to school and picking him up) that I would pray the following: (ok...so, there were a couple of days that I took the long way home so that I didn't have to drive by their house...I just wasn't in the mood to pray for them that day...which is ok, God understood, was patient with me and loved me just the same:)
God, I forgive them for what they have done to my family and are still doing. I ask that you forgive them also. I also pray that you will bless their family…I called each of them by name…I asked God to bless their health, their home and their finances.
I said it through clenched teeth for the first couple of weeks but as I was faithful in my commitment to Pastor Rusty and God…it got easier and easier and then one day…I truly meant it. That is the day that I realized that I was no longer angry with these people or those from my past (who I had also been praying the same things over), I didn’t hate them anymore and truly didn’t want to see anything bad happen to any of them. You have to remember...we were still in an active lawsuit and it was still over a year before it would be completely resolved.
I began to feel more and more peace with each hurdle.
Only when I had given each and every hurt over to God and followed his steps to forgive…then and only then did the anger subside. I had a peace that I had not had in many, many years…I left no stone unturned, submitted myself to God and He took care of the rest. I have been at peace ever since.
Do I still get angry over things…absolutely…but I don’t hold on to them…I face them head on right then and there…I don’t ever want residual anger larking in my life again. Even the smallest amount gives Satan a foothold in our lives.
I had to face these issues head on, deal with the past hurts, forgive those who hurt me and my family and let it go.
Was it easy? NO!
Did it come naturally or quickly…for me? NO!
It is a process not an event.
Once I got through this part of the process by identifying the issues...God tells us to let it go, give it to Him and leave it there.
There is not quick or easy way to heal your hurts, forgive those who have hurt you, identify your deepest, darkest pain that is buried under years of denial...but it is one that can be achieved through Jesus Christ and following His steps...not yours!
Even then, it is not without pain...you have to open some old wounds before they can properly heal and that is not easy either.
The consequences of an Unforgiving Spirit are: R. T. Kendall… “Total Forgiveness”The Holy Spirit is grieved…this causes distortion in our thinking. An ungrieved Holy Spirit is what enables us to cope.You are left to yourself…A refusal to forgive means that God stands back and lets you cope with your problems in your own strength. We leave the door open for Satan to get in. He will take advantage of us if he can and we start trying to justify our anger and unforgiveness.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Relationship Between A Father and Son...God's Relationship With His Children
Scroll down and pause my music before viewing this video....get your hankie ready:)
Just think about how much this father loves his son...and as amazing as it is...is doesn't even begin to compare to how much our Heavenly Father loves us!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Awwwww....what a wonderful sound to wake up to this morning at 6 AM...thunder, lightning and the sound of a downpour rain.
Needless to say...I wanted desperately to stay in bed and let it lull me back to sleep but I couldn't because Tyler has football practice every morning, which means he leaves home at 7:15 AM. It was a good thought, though. I did manage to stay there as long as possible because my wonderful husband got our son up and headed in the right direction. I had to finally get up and fix his snack for their mid-morning break and get his Gatorade pack to keep them cold until he needs them.
God is so good and He hears even the smallest of prayers. I have whispered several small prayers this week for cooler temperatures, rain, cold front...anything to lessen this heat wave that we are in.I, along with some other mothers, have been worried about our boys practicing so hard in this 100+ heat everyday until 12:00 noon. The boys are drenched with sweat when we pick them up and are pretty much exhausted for the majority of the afternoon afterwards. It seems like every year in the good ole HOT South...you hear of a teenager dying during football practice due to the heat or a heart condition that they didn't know about that was brought on by heat exhaustion and/or the physical exertion in this type of heat. For those of you that haven't visited the good ole South in the middle of summer...let me tell you...it's not just the temperature that is the real "killer" but add the humidity to that...which pushedsthe heat index well into the 100+...miserable range. We have "Heat Advisory" posted nearly everyday during this time of year without rain.
Next week, they will practice at 3 PM because school is getting ready to start back and the teachers have to be at school until 3 PM. My goodness, don't they know that is the hottest part of the day! Our poor boys!
Our wonderful, loving, caring Heavenly Father heard our prayers and He answered them!
Thank you, Jesus for caring about our boys, our farmers, their crops that are burning up in the field, our lawns that are in desperate need of natural rain (I need a cheaper water bill), our elderly friends and neighbors who don't have an air conditioner (I can't imagine...that is true suffering), burn bans (posted at the campground this weekend due to lack of rain), wild fires all over the United States, water shortages and so many other things that a lack of rain causes.Today's rain probably wasn't enough to take care of all the needs from our month long drought but it certainly looked good, felt good, smelled good (nothing smells better than rain) cooled the temperatures off and made my grass...smile...it is much greener this morning after a big drink. It is 76 degrees now with a projected high of 91 today with a 40-50% chance of more rain today.
Praise The Lord!
What's even better than that...right now...that's the operative word...right now...the projected forecast for next week....highs in the upper 80's with 40% chance of rain. Even if it doesn't rain....highs around 88-89 degrees....that is like fall weather for us. I will welcome it and love every minute of it.
Every time I see it rain or hear it rain....I am reminded of how great of a God we serve. Stop this morning and think about how amazing God is and how He controls everything that takes place on this earth and in our lives. Read with me in Job...let your mind see the picture that is painted before you in God's Word. Focus on Job 37:13 (NIV)...remember this when you see, hear or feel the rain....God's rain.
1 "At this my heart pounds and leaps from its place.
2 Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.
3 He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth.
4 After that comes the sound of his roar; he thunders with his majestic voice. When his voice resounds, he holds nothing back.
5 God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.
6 He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'
7 So that all men he has made may know his work, he stops every man from his labor.
8 The animals take cover; they remain in their dens.
9 The tempest comes out from its chamber, the cold from the driving winds.
10 The breath of God produces ice, and the broad waters become frozen.
11 He loads the clouds with moisture; he scatters his lightning through them.
12 At his direction they swirl around over the face of the whole earth to do whatever he commands them.
13 He brings the clouds to punish men, or to water his earth and show his love.
14 "Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God's wonders.
15 Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
16 Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who is perfect in knowledge?
17 You who swelter in your clothes when the land lies hushed under the south wind,
18 can you join him in spreading out the skies, hard as a mirror of cast bronze?
19 "Tell us what we should say to him; we cannot draw up our case because of our darkness. 20 Should he be told that I want to speak? Would any man ask to be swallowed up?
21 Now no one can look at the sun, bright as it is in the skies after the wind has swept them clean.
22 Out of the north he comes in golden splendor; God comes in awesome majesty.
23 The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress.
24 Therefore, men revere him, for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart?
Have a blessed day and enjoy God's "rain" in your life today...whether it is the physical rain outside or allowing Him to rule and reign in your life...either way...we are blessed.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Blessed on Tuesday
Good Afternoon Everyone!
I just wanted to share some of my joy, happiness and blessedness with you on this beautiful Tuesday afternoon.
Now, I'm not feeling very well...actually, I'm feeling very weird right now. I feel completely exhausted, my heart has been skipping a beat since early this morning, I feel like a have a boulder on my chest and my heart is beating in my ears! So, you are probably wondering right now if....I've lost my mind too. "No, not at all".
We had a very busy week and weekend...we went out of town with some friends to the water park and lake. We had a great time playing and visiting with each other. However, it was 100+ and the humidity was terrible. Needless to say...I'm sunburned and exhausted.
I got up this morning feeling like I couldn't put one foot in front of the other. As the day grew on...the other symptoms grew increasingly worse. It was beginning to scare me. I texted my dear friend to ask her to pray for me. She asked a couple of questions and then told me to drink some orange juice. I told her that I didn't have any. She immediately asked if I was at home and when I told her..."yes"...she said she was on here way with some.
It might now sound like much to you...but that blessed me more than words can describe. She had to come out of her way to bring me some orange juice and some bananas. Why? Because she cares about me, she loves me and she wanted to help me. It was her "diagnosis" that my potassium might be low after the hot and sweaty weekend I had. I drank the oj and ate the banana...I began to feel much better. I know that I will be 100% tomorrow after a good nights sleep and the treatment plan of my dear friend:)
We sometimes take foregranted the love of a good friend. I know that I do. So, on this blessed Tuesday...I am thankful for the following things...not nearly everything that I am thankful for but just to name a few:
A Heavenly Father who loves me and watches over me
A Wonderful husband
Precious children
Great Godly friends...both here and far away
My prayer buddies...you know who you are:)
My health
Sunshine...even when it is 100+
My freedom in the USA
My job and my husband's job
I could go on and on and on...but I won't. I want to scream to the world that we are blessed people...thank someone today that you appreciate, that you love, that you might have forgotten how they have blessed you and tell someone that you love them today. We are blessed!!!
Go and enjoy your blessings today!