There were many students and parents angry this year with our school district's new dress code. All students from the 6th grade to 12th grade must come to school with a properly fitted shirt tucked in their properly fitting pants with a belt sagging allowed. PLT!!!!
I personally like the idea after I saw Tyler dressed for the 1st day of school and how nice he looked...very neat. Until then, he wouldn't tuck his shirt in, much less, wear a belt. Yeah! I'm happy.
However, it is not as much about their appearance as it is their SAFETY! We all pray for our children's safety when they are with us and when they are away from us...especially, at school.
This is the world that we live in with school shootings, violence of all kinds that not only affect the adults in our society but our children.
So, to our school district...thank you, from this mother. Our superintendent and school board must have watched this video before making this new policy.
I could not get it to embed on my go to this link and watch this video.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful today that I have a wonderful husband who loves me in spite of all my faults.
I prayed over 20 years ago that God would send me a wonderful man who:
- Loved Me Completely
- Loved My Son As His Own
- Was A Christian, Godly Man
- Was A Family Man and Wanted To Spend Time With His Family
- Had A Good Job With Steady Income
- Financially Stable
I had so many people to tell me things like..."you don't want much do you?", "you will never find anyone like that these days!" and "keep dreaming, girl!"
Well, I did keep dreaming and praying!
God cares about the "specifics" in our lives and in our families. I was told many, many years ago to pray specifically for what you want from God, even though, He already knows your needs and wants.
I did and He did.
On September 4th, 1990...God brought the most amazing man into my life. He met my criteria and so much more. I married this wonderful man 5 months later. We will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary on February 23rd, 2009!
My wonderful husband, Roger has lived up to what God has commanded him to be and to do...I am so thankful for my Godly husband.
Ephesians 5:22-33
(22) Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. (23) For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (24) Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. (25) Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (26) to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, (27) and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. (28) In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. (29) after all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church - (30) for we are members of his body. (31) "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." (32) This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the church. (33) However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
If you want to read about our amazing "Love Story"...go to my archives under "My Love Story" or start in February ' has been an amazing, rocky, wonderful and turbulent road...but we are still together and very much in love still.
I love you, Roger!!!
He's Growing!
Tyler is growing whether he can see if or not...we sure do. He has been behind in height for several years but is finally catching up and has even passed a few.
What do you think?
The 1st picture was taken last December '07 and the next one was taken tonight. I wanted to see the difference and show him too.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
One Day At A Time
Good Morning!!!!
No anxiety this morning...Praise The Lord!
I can mark off one item off of my "finish me, please-to do list". I worked for over 4 hours last night balancing the checkbook, establishing a workable budget, paying bills and putting everything on spreadsheets.
I am a visual person and my organizational personality is shining through too. I have one for:
- combined income and disbursements
- separated incomes and disbursements...who's check will cover what (I like to look at all angles
- budgeted amounts for all living expenses for the month
- weekly expense breakdowns
Thank you, Dave Ramsey! It won't be fun but it will be so worth it in the end. I can't image not having monthly payments on freedom that will bring.
I found a great website on money, it is Christian Personal Finance (haven't researched the entire site yet but found great topics on the subject of money, budgeting, debt and more...
Here's a couple of scriptures on spending, debt and planning ahead. The Bible has many more scriptures on the subject...check them out.
Proverbs 21:20 Wise people live in wealth and luxury, but stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it. (GN)
Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. (NIV)
Proverbs 13:16 Sensible people always think before they act, but stupid people advertise their ignorance. (GN)
Today's project: Finish painting my dining room:) Will keep you updated on my progress.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Too Many Irons In The Fire
I woke up again this Monday morning battling anxiety. I began to search through my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions and my life to find the source of the anxiety this week. I knew where it was coming from last week and God answered those prayers regarding the situation causing the anxiety, as well as the anxiety itself. Praise The Lord! God is so good!
I realized what the problem is this week and I was already aware of this but didn't realize it would be causing me to battle with anxiety.Too many irons in the fire!
I am normally a very organized person who if you asked me for something...I could lay my hands on it immediately.
Everything has a place and everything should be in it's place is my motto. couldn't tell it from my house and my life these days. There is so much chaos, projects started but yet to be completed, overload of work in my job, long work hours 4 days a week, longing to simplify our lives and not enough time to do the things that I want to do.
I used to be a million times worse than I am now on organization and perfectionism, but as I get older...things become less important. As I watch the years fly by and my baby growing up so fast...I get overwhelmed and emotional thinking about it.
So, I ask myself..."What part of this mess can you, Jennifer, control?"
Well...I am setting my sights on completing one unfinished project at a time...starting with my dining room which has been a disaster for 3 weeks now. It is 90% complete but finding the time to actually finish the project has been the problem...well, finding the energy to climb up and down the ladder to paint the crown molding is more like it.
Here's a few more irons in the fire that I have...
- find affordable health insurance for our family....SOON!
- complete our debt free...spent the weekend talking about Roger retiring in 10 years and where we want to be financially...yikes...we aren't ready yet!
- organize office after rearranging furniture
- get new desk picked up and brought home...the arrangement now is too cramped...always tripping over stuff
- organize office closet where all my work files are kept, office supplies and personal stuff...can't find anything
- hang new office drapes...after moving rod up and patching holes in window facing
- catch the laundry up...way behind
- caulk Tyler's bathtub...used new brand caulk...must have been bad...peeled off within a week....grrrrrrr. Actually, this will be the 3rd time in a month that I have done it...won't use that brand of caulk again!
- finish patching and sanding the sheetrock in his bathroom
- paint his bathroom...had the paint for 2 months now...going to try my hand at striping it...oh boy!
- do Fall yard work
- clean out garage and attic
- oh....did I mention...I'm having a garage sale the 1st of October
Ok...I know what you are thinking...I am bringing all this on myself...well, you're right but it all needs to be done and several projects have been started and are screaming to be finished NOW.
I am overwhelmed right now.
After a 10 hour day at work...I don't have the energy or desire to do too much at night and weekends are too short as it is. I enjoy doing all of these type of projects and don't usually ask for help.
Not to mention that Roger is working his full-time job and working the police department 5 nights this week, off on Saturday (he'll be a zombie) and then back on for 5 more nights...till midnight. He gets up at 6 AM, gets ready, at work by 7 AM, gets off around 4:30, comes home, changes clothes, goes to police department and works to midnight...comes home, eats, showers, goes to bed and gets up at 6 AM to start it all over again. Thank you, Lord...this is not normal and won't last but a couple of weeks.
As much as I want to finish this will not come before family time with Roger and Tyler. I made that mistake years ago...having to make sure the house was clean, organized and the yard is all done before spending time with Brandon and Tyler. I missed a lot of good times that I can't ever get back and I won't do it again.
So...anxiety and have no place in my heart, mind or home. The Word of God speaks clearly about worry.
Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (NIV)
Matthew 6:27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (NIV)
New Motto: One thing at a time!
Friday, September 19, 2008
My Missions Statement
This is my missions statement and verse for my blog. These verses truly describes my heart's my everyday life, in my church, my friends and through this blog.
II Corinthians 1:3,4
(3)Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, (4) who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. (NIV)
It is my heart's longing to take the trials of this life that we have experienced...the struggles, battles, hurts, pain, ups and downs and show you that through Jesus can have victory in every situation that the enemy and life throws at you.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm thankful for God's peace that passeth all understanding. In times of death and loss of family and friends, it is difficult to understand "why". However, God doesn't ask us to understand but to trust Him to know what is best...His Will, not ours. He sees the big picture, where we just see the here and now.
His peace is perfect peace, real peace. In the most difficult times of our lives, we can still have peace that passeth understanding. Why? Because God's Word says so.
May the peace that transcends all understanding be with you today. Have a blessed and thankful Thursday.
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Going Home and The Legacy Left Behind
Yesterday morning all of heaven was rejoicing at one of God's children coming home and this earth felt sorrow at the loss of one of it's most Godly men, Commander Frank.
The caliber of this man is quickly becoming a rarity! He reminds me of someone that I love dearly, who I lost 19 years daddy. The warmth of his smile, the pat on the back when he spoke to you, called you by name, the gentleness of his spirit and always appeared to be happy regardless of whatever might have been going on in his would never have known. In the 17 years that I knew this wonderful man...I never saw him with anything on his face...except a smile!
He was a man who adored his beautiful wife, Mrs. Peggy...oh, what a precious couple. I could only hope that Roger and I "grow up" to be like them. You could just tell from his affection, behavior and attention that he paid his wife, he was very protective of her. It was obvious that he was devoted to her, cherished her and loved her with everything within him.
His daughters...K and S, he was so proud of his girls and would beam when he spoke their names...the gleam in his eye said it all...he was so proud of them and the young ladies that they had become. His family was his life.
But, when he became "Papa", they were "Papa's pride and joy". The smile on his face when he talked about his three grandchildren was priceless...K, Z and MC...he loved them with all his heart and was very, very proud of each one of them.
The gentleness of his spirit was so profound. His love for his Lord and Savior shone on his face and in the words that he spoke...everyday...not just on Sundays and Wednesdays. He was in church with his family everytime the doors were open.
As the generation of Godly leaders, spiritual head of the household and geniune Christian men (in church and out) seems to be fading away...where their are fewer men, husbands and fathers in church to a growing number of women, wives and mothers taking their families to church...we could all learn from Commander Frank. He truly led by example...a Godly example.
I met him, got to know him and will always refer to him as Commander Frank. You see, when we started going to WM A/G, our oldest son was in Royal Rangers and Commander Frank was the leader of the group. He invested so much into the little lives of all the boys who went through the program and what an impact he had on each of them.
Roger became one of the Royal Ranger leaders and nearly every Wednesday night when he was late coming out...after all the kids had left...I knew where to find him. He was in Commander Frank's office soaking in all the wisdom and knowlege that he was saying about whatever the subject was. When I would appear in the doorway, Commander Frank would just smile from ear to ear and tell better get going...we've been caught again. They would share a laugh together because they knew that I would come looking for Roger...ready to take my child home to bed. It didn't stop them because the next was the same thing.
Roger couldn't get enough of Commander Frank then or in the years to come. Every chance he got, especially when he worked in same area as Commander Frank's shop, he was talking to him. He had such an impact of my husband over the years. I believe he invested a lot of time, wisdom and knowlege without ever knowing it. He shared things from his life that will always be so valuable to my husband and he will carry with him through the rest of his life. It's hard for me to believe that anyone could make Roger a better person because he is already totally amazing but I know that Commander Frank did.
Roger said that he always simplified life and what a Christian should be...he led by example. If a person never had a Bible to read about how a Christian should live...all they would have to do is pattern themselves after Commander Frank...a shining example of a Godly man, husband, father and grandfather.
Commander will be greatly missed by all who knew you.
You are rejoicing around the throne of your Lord and Savior right now and we will see you again. I hope your mansion is next door to my "hero" daddy! You two are one of a kind...get to know each much alike, so much in common.
II Corinthians 5:8
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord
Monday, September 15, 2008
Who Are You Today?
I woke up this morning with an enormous amount of a cloak...weighing heavy on me and my spirit.
I started asking myself..."what is it that you are anxious about?". It didn't take but a second and I knew immediately what the source of the problem was. I started praying over the problem and the source, but yet the anxiety didn't leave.
The more that I dwelt on the source, the harder my heart began to pound, fear began to creep in and I got physically sick to my stomach. The problem is that the source doesn't deal directly with me but indirectly. The source is one that is out of my reach and out of my control. I feel helpless in the situation...wanting to help, wanting to protect, wanted to get involved, wanted to "take care" of the situation...but it is not mine to handle.
I have continually felt God telling me to stay out of it, keep my mouth shut and just pray. Pray for the ones that are directly affected by the source of the problem...lift them up to Him, give it to Him, leave it at His feet. However, we all know this is what we are told to do but it is one of the hardest things to do especially when you see the hurt that someone else is suffering because of the source.
As my mind began to run away with me, the fear, imaginations, anxiety and even, anger began to consume me. I stopped and asked God to speak to me through His Word...He lead me to the following:
Romans 8:28-39 ... Purple...verses that are highlighted in my Bible...ones I stood on before!
(28)And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
(29)For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
(30)And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
(31)What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
(32)He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
(33)Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies.
(34)Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
(35)Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
(36)As it is written:
"For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."
(37)No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
(38)For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
(39)neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord
I want to be more than a conqueror...I want to be victorious, walk in peace and in the freedom that He promises me...if I just put my trust in Him to handle the situation and those involved.
So, who are you today?
Are you more than a conqueror or are you a prisoner of spiritual warfare?
If you are held in bondage by the enemy...break free today!
Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
Take your hurts, needs, offenses, heartache, betrayals, fear, anxiety and your anger to Him.
Tell Him what is going on in your life and ask Him to take full control...but you have to willingly give it to Him...He won't take it from you if you aren't willing to let go.
Trust Him and leave it with him.
Walk free today, my friend...I am!!!
One of my favorite songs...says it all!
Title: Completely (Ana Laura)
The secret of life is letting go
the secret of love is letting it show
in all that I do
in all that I say
right here in this moment
the power of prayer is in a humble cry
the power of change is in giving my life
and laying it down
down at your feet
right here in this moment
take my heart
take my soul
I surrender everything to your control
and let all that is with in me lift up to you and say
I am yours and yours alone completely
This journey of life is a search for truth
this journey of faith is following you
every step of the way
through the joy and the pain right here in this moment
Chorus Vamp:
right here, right now, and for the rest of my life
Hear me say
Chorus I am yours and yours alone
Thursday, September 11, 2008
In Loving Memory of All Who Lost Their Life on 9/11/01
Please scroll down and pause my music before watching this video.
Please pray for the families of all who died on that terrible day...the families are still hurting and missing their loved ones.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Where Do You Stand On Our Upcoming Election?
My past 3 entries have been political and there will be more in the coming months, however, I don't apologize for posting them. I have been a registered voter since I turned 18 years old and I know it is my right, my responsibility and my obligation to my children and the children in our future to get out and vote on Election Day. Saying all that...I feel stronger about this election and what the citizens of the US could possibly vote in as our new Commander and Chief of this wonderful country...the United States of America. I can't stress enough to each of you to research, listen, watch and read about the candidates that are running for office. It is your responsibility as well as mine to find out as much about these people before you cast your vote
on November 4th.
So let me ask you...What do you know about John McCain/Sarah Palin and Barack Obama/Joe Biden? What do they believe in, what are their moral beliefs, are they Christians...genuine born again Christians, where do they stand on gay/lesbians, where do the stand abortion, where do they stand on educating our future leaders, our country's energy source, gasoline prices, our men and women serving in our military/defense on terrorism, illegal immigrants, excessive government spending, health care, the longevity and saving our Medicare/Social Security Benefits for our elderly and for us who are fast approaching that magical age...will there be anything left when we retire?
I urge you to find out the answers to these questions and then dig deeper into the lives of these people....but do not fail to do the most important part of the upcoming election....
Pray Christians, Pray and then Pray Some More!!
Watch this video along with your research on what they believe: Scroll down and pause my it, really listen to what he says and post your comments
May God honor and bless you for your faithfulness in praying for our country, our leaders, our potental leaders and our men and women in uniform serving/fighting for our FREEDOM!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sarah Palin Is The Real Deal!
This is just is time to have someone like this in our is worth the time to listen!!!! This is at the Wassilla Assembly of God Church...Where she grew up during childhood and her adult years also...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Pray for Sarah Palin Over The Next 59 Days
I received this in an email today and I thought it was I'm sharing it with you. Please feel free to copy and paste it to your blog and/or facebook if you want to or email it to all your friends. We need as many people as possible praying for Sarah Palin and John McCain as possible.
A Psalm for Sarah for 59 Sixty-six Days of Intercession for Gov. Sarah Palin according to Psalm 27 .
Pray for Sarah, husband Todd, sons Track, baby Trig, daughters Bristol, Willow, Piper,
from today, September 6th until election day on November 4th, 2008.
Pray for:
Singleness of Vision, Moral Clarity
Ps 27:1a - The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?
Fearlessness, Boldness
Ps 27:1b - The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?
Protection from Libel, Slander, Hatred, Persecution
Ps 27:2 - When [not “if”] evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.
Confidence in Christ, a Guarded Heart
Ps 27:3 - Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident.
Priorities Devotions, Rest, Balance
Ps 27:4 - One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to meditate in His temple.
Deliverance, Favor
Ps 27:5 - For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.
An Overcoming Spirit, a Higher Perspective
Ps 27:6 - And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me; And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.
Direction, Wisdom, Surefootedness
Ps 27:7, 11 - Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice, and be gracious to me and answer me. . . . Teach me Thy way, O Lord and lead me in a level path because of my foes.
A Release of Faith, an Expectancy of Good
Ps 27:13 - I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Strength, Courage, Endurance
Ps 27:14 - Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage. Yes, wait for the Lord. And let Your kingdom come and let Your will be done.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Here are my thoughts on the word....NEVER. I shared this with Dorinda at and she posted it back in February before I started blogging, however, I feel the need to post it to my blog today...for myself...for you...only God knows who this is for.
This occurred to me many months ago while praying for a good friend's mother, who had been suffering with serious physical problems. Her physical problems were too numerous for me to remember, much less, remember the names of the different conditions. As I was calling her name out before the Lord, I said "Lord, I couldn't begin to name all the things that are wrong with her but You know what they are. I asked that you give her physical strength, mental strength and emotional strength, as well as, her healing in her body."
I began to quote:
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you,"
I was referring to my friend's mother and God knowing exactly where she was physically, mentally and emotionally. This scripture kept going over and over again in my mind, even though, I was really busy doing other things by I began to quote the latter part of the verse out loud. The word NEVER would not escape me and I just began to repeat the word over and over NEVER....NEVER....NEVER. More amazement came with each time that I said the word out loud. With the amazement, came revelation knowledge and then came excitement!
I began to think, really think, about the word itself... Wow! What a big word with such promise and power.
NEVER...has no end, knows no limitation, positively not going to happen!!!
Then I began to feel God speak to me about that simple word....NEVER. He is the only person that really has the right to use it because He is the only one that can truly honor the promise of NEVER. No one else is qualified to make that promise regarding anything, anyone or any situation.
We use it frequently but can't actually make a true commitment of the word. We find ourselves either promising one of the following or having one of the following promised to us...
- "I will never stop loving you"
- "I will never leave you"
- "I will never change"
- "I will never tell anyone (secrets)"
- "I will never do this or never do that"
- Situations change.
- Circumstances change.
- People change.
- Relationships change.
- Life just happens.
So when God says "NEVER"....He means NEVER! That is a promise that we can count on because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He NEVER changes. We change but God NEVER does.
You can rest in His promise to you today, you can trust Him fully because His Word NEVER lies and it NEVER will.
Have a blessed day!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Just a little FYI...if you want to scroll down and skip the "Gamecock" songs on my playlist after...I Go To The Rock...please feel free.
Just a little football rivalry between the University of South Carolina Gamecocks vs. University of Akansas Razorbacks.
I will remove those two from my playlist later this week:)
Modern Technology!
I have battled Internet issues all day is working one minute and it waits until I am right in the middle of doing something...then....poof! is gone! Oh...I forgot about all the power surges that have been happening all day as well. Yes, I have surge protectors but I guess these are more like mini power outages. Needless to say...I could scream right now!
When the mini outages hit, I have a number of steps that I have to go through in order to get back up and running. First, I have to turn the modem over, pull out the battery (what good is this battery doing...not keeping my Internet up and running...hopefully, it is keeping my phones on), pull the power cord out of the back, wait 5 seconds, replug it, wait for all the lights to light back up and then put the battery back in. However, it doesn't stop there because it has messed up my router when the power went off. So, I have to pull out my desk chair, move my foot stool, crawl under the desk to get to the back of the router, use an ink pen, press the reset button for 10 second, while holding the reset button in...unplug the power cord (takes talent...took me many times to prefect it) for 10 seconds, still holding the reset button with my ink pen...replug the power cord and still hold for another 10 seconds...then release, crawl back out from under my desk without hitting my head, which I have done more times than I care to remember.
However, today...all these steps haven't worked solely by themselves. I have to go to my desktop and click on my router setting and reset the router through the computer but only after it sees that I have an Internet connection. I had to do these steps 3 times in a row after the last power flicker...just to get back to being online.
My job solely depends on an Internet connection. No connection, no posting, no filing insurance, no transmitting claims...which means to my money coming in next week. All my claims have to be on their way to the clearinghouse by Wednesday afternoon to meet the Thursday deadline by most insurance companies for check to be cut by Friday...if I'm lucky. Besides, this is a short work week!!! No pressure:)
I can't begin to tell you how increasingly frustrated I've become today. In the middle of my last round of resetting everything...I stopped and said "Lord, help me...I'm about to lose it over something that I have no control over but yet I need to be able to control it because I have work to do!"
I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me and remind me of a scripture that I learned as a youth...way back when.
Jeremiah 33:3...God's Phone Number
"Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.' (Message)
I was gently reminded that I don't need an Internet connection to connect to my Heavenly Father. I don't need a telephone line to connect to my Heavenly Father. All He ask me to do is to call on Him, tell Him what I am in need of, tell Him all my frustrations, my pains, my hurts, my anger and whatever is bothering me, leave them at His feet, surrender all to Him and TRUST Him. No amount of modern technology can ever take the place of this honor and privilege to be able to go to my Heavenly or night. He is ALWAYS there, ready to listen to me and send the help that I need. To know that when we is on the way. It might not always be "my will" but it will always be "His Will" and unlike "my will"...His is perfect, always on time, never wrong and always EXACTLY what I need...whether I know if or not...God sees the big picture.
Thank God today that He doesn't work off of modern technology...I sure am.