Tuesday, April 7, 2009

~What I Learned This Week~

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Do we ever stop learning? I never realized how much I learn from week to week until I started participating in this fun carnival. So, here's what I've learned this week...condensed and in a nut shell.

  • Things are usually not as they appear on the surface
  • Watching your children stand up and make their own decisions regardless of what you try to tell them is always difficult
  • We want to protect our children from making mistakes, but they seem to learn more and those lessons seem to stay with them longer when...they learn the hard way
  • Even, when they have to learn it the hard way...it is still painful for parents to watch
  • This world is made up of all kinds of people: some interesting, some great, some a little out there and some just plain weird :-)
  • I seem to always get the last few squares of toilet paper and have to change the roll...but, at times, when it is running low, I use less so I don't get the last and have to change the roll *oops*blush*
  • I can't worry about last week, yesterday, tomorrow or next week...today is the day to do a little housecleaning...physically, spiritually and mentally. Today is that day...a fresh new start.

For more fun...What I've Learned This Week...visit Jo-Lynne at Musing of a Housewife.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!


  1. it is difficult to watch our kids do stuff that make us cringe but your lesson is oh so true...

    the toliet paper thing made me crack up!!!

  2. I'm not really quite there yet with my kids, but I know it'll be hard. THanks for sharing.

  3. Praying for you sweetie, love you.

  4. I agree...the world has some different people in it. I always end up changing the roll...so unfair, I may do what you do, but then someone will just call me in to change the roll for them anyways. lOL

  5. Great and tough lessons about letting your kids make their choices.

    And so true about the toilet paper - same here!

    Thanks for sharing. Hugs and prayers.

  6. You're right. We NEVER stop learning...that is...unless we refuse to. Thank God He never stops teaching.

  7. Awesome post Jennifer. I think the Lrod is trying to tell me something. I read another post tonight about letting your children make their mistakes and learn from them. I've been struggling with this very subject big time. Thank you. Really enjoyed it in a serious and a comical manner! :)

  8. I love that Jeremiah passage so much. Thanks for the reminder.

    Amen to this: "I can't worry about last week, yesterday, tomorrow or next week...today is the day to do a little housecleaning...physically, spiritually and mentally. Today is that day...a fresh new start."

  9. I love your post! Thanks for sharing your learning of the week :D Your posts are always an encouragement!!


  11. Sounds like you have learned a lot this week. Loved the verse you used with your post. Its a great one!

  12. Oh....my sweet friend.........I love ya, I don't know what else to say!!! I'm with ya with every one of these learned things!

    Blessings upon blessings!

  13. Great lessons learned. I learn from you, my friend!

  14. I think growing pains are more inflicted on the parents than the growing children. >:\

    I had to LOL when I read your TP lesson. If I used the last of it, the empty roll would hang there for eternity. Duller would just set a new one on the edge of the bathtub. Seriously, I wonder how many men can even figure out how to change the roll. (*;*)

    Love your playlist! I'd have most of the same songs if I had a fast enough connection to make one.

    Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^

  15. You are so right!
    Thinking of you today! This weekend will be hard for my family.
    Hope you have Wonderful Easter!!

  16. LOL! I had to laugh at the toilet paper thing because as I was at a friends house the other day I happened to use both bathrooms and both times I had to replace the toilet paper roll and they have 8 kids so what was the chances of that! LOL.
    Big hugs to you my friend.

  17. This meme looks fun! It definitely is hard watching our children make mistakes... mine are only 5 and I just want to stop them from doing things the wrong way at times, but they have to learn...


  18. The lessons about letting our kids learn the hard way -- that is SO hard for me. I just want to protect them, kwim? I just wrote a post for Parenting Squad about that, actually. I'll link to it on my blog when it's published.

    Thanks for sharing! :-)


Thank you for stopping by today and sharing your heart felt thoughts with me. As we ride "Through the Storms of Life" together, chances are...your situation is different than mine. However, we serve the same awesome God, King of Kings who is in complete control and it all belongs to Him anyway...He wants to give you the very best. Be encouraged my friend, God loves you!

Thank you again for taking the time to visit me at "Through the Storms of Life".


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