Saturday, March 21, 2009

~Then Sings My Soul Saturday~When God Ran

**Show and Tell Saturday is the post below this one down...check it out**


It is not a secret that I have a son who isn't living for the Lord, even though, God has spared his life...not once but twice. It grieves our Heavenly Father for His children to go astray and ignore the Holy Spirit's tugging at their heart. The good news is...that God still loves our children more than we do (that's hard to comprehend) and He longs for them to return to Him. He hasn't given up on them and He has sent the Holy Spirit to pursue them every moment of every day until their return.

The song is for all my precious bloggy sisters, who are wonderful moms that have children lost in sin. My sweet sisters...keep praying, keep watching and waiting because the prodigals are coming home soon.

God is watching and waiting...He is looking down the road all day long...looking to the slightest movement in the distance and when He sees it (them)...He will run to meet them and welcome them home with open arms. Oh, what a celebration there will be!!!

I am standing in the gap with each of your until that day come, my sweet, sweet sisters. I pray this song ministers to your aching hearts sure does mine.

For more wonderful songs...visit Amy at Signs, Wonders and Miracles.

***Please pray for Roger...request at the top of my right sidebar. He has a huge test to be certified in harzardous material manager on Tuesday, 24th. It is very, very overwhelming and he will be studying all weekend. Please pray that he will retain, recall and remember all that he has been studying for over the past few months. Thank you all so very, very much!***

Have a wonderfully blessed day!


  1. Jennifer, I do not see the song...but I know that song so well. I used to sing it with my good friend as a duet in our church back in the 80's. It is a powerful song, and to see God run...awesome!

  2. Jenn,

    I am sitting here with tears spilling over my eyes and running down my cheeks looking forward to that day when my precious daughter is embraced in the arms of Jesus again. As much as I long for it, I know Jesus is longing more! Thank you, my friend, thank you for posting this and standing with my and praying!

    I am taking the time to pray for Krystle and Brandon right now.

    And I will pray for Roger. Big hugs to you my sweet friend and sister. Love you!

  3. Jennifer...I echo the same as comment as Debra.
    I have not heard this song before and it gives me hope and encouragement that one day our children will return to HIM.
    Trying to type through the tears.
    Will pray for Roger too.
    Blessings to you my sweet friend!

  4. Hey friend, This is a sweet song!

    I pray one day your son will understand the words to this song.

    I also pray that Roger will recall everything he has learned and have complete peace while taking the test.


  5. Jennifer, I first heard this song over at Carolyn's blog and have loved it ever since. The imagery just tears me up for I have a prodigal son also. I found your post the other day about the brush with death your son had and was very touched by it. I tried to leave a comment, but couldn't get it to work that night. You are so right...we have to keep on praying and never give up on our children. I have been praying for your family too, dear sister!

  6. I will pray for your husband's test. My friend's husband (a policeman) took that same test I think, or a similar one.

    Anyway, I'll be praying! Also thankful that God's heart will never let go of your precious child.

  7. Jennifer, I am so blessed to have praying sisters, all standing in the gap for our unsaved kids. God hears us and He is drawing Brandon and my sons back to Him, waiting for them to respond.
    I want to share a Friendship Award with you. Please go to my blog.
    Love and prayers,

  8. That's one of my all-time favorite Christian songs - just love it! Thanks for posting it!And I just want to say that I'm really glad that your son looks like he's coming around.


Thank you for stopping by today and sharing your heart felt thoughts with me. As we ride "Through the Storms of Life" together, chances are...your situation is different than mine. However, we serve the same awesome God, King of Kings who is in complete control and it all belongs to Him anyway...He wants to give you the very best. Be encouraged my friend, God loves you!

Thank you again for taking the time to visit me at "Through the Storms of Life".


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