Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Meaningful Lyrics

I love to listen to the lyrics of different songs. There are some that prick my heart or just minister to me during a trying time in my life. I heard this the other day on a Southern Gospel (yea...Pastor Rusty...we like that Southern Gospel...sorry, Dorinda) satellite radio station and it went something like this. You have to remember that I listen to it when I'm in my car running the kid taxi service...so I have to listen, write and drive all at the same time...sometimes, I have to wait until it comes on again to get the rest of it:)

God sees the storm from the other side. He knows the lessons just beyond the clouds and He sees clear skies.

When life seems to come crashing down...He says "Let It Be" because He already sees the rainbow when we only see the clouds.

Wow! That touched my heart in a very big way. I hope it helps you today to remember that He is God and He is in control. He can just speak to the storms in our lives and they will become calm again.

Have a blessed evening!


  1. awesome lyrics!!!! I love it!!!
    Do you want to be part of my prayer team? I'm trying to get together a group of ladies who I know will pray, intercede, or whisper a prayer for the requests that I have listed...I'll be posting urgent requests as they come...but will email and post an updated list on Fridays...I know you are a praying woman and would love to have you join me :o)

  2. wow!
    i like that! would be a great Christian rock song! :)

    you always bless me, my friend!


  3. I would be honored to be a part of your prayer team. You and your prayer warriors have blessed my family already so much and I would love to give back. But, I am more honored to serve God in this capacity. Thank you so much for asking me.


Thank you for stopping by today and sharing your heart felt thoughts with me. As we ride "Through the Storms of Life" together, chances are...your situation is different than mine. However, we serve the same awesome God, King of Kings who is in complete control and it all belongs to Him anyway...He wants to give you the very best. Be encouraged my friend, God loves you!

Thank you again for taking the time to visit me at "Through the Storms of Life".


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