Tuesday, April 21, 2009

~What I Learned This Week~

Where do the days and weeks go? April is almost over and it is Tuesday again! Wow!!!

Here are a few things that I've learned this week...probably, a refresher course on many.

  • God cares about the small things in my life more than I do and I really care about them.
  • We are never out of God's reach, His protection, His sight and He dispatches His angels to watch over us.
  • I would rather be working with my hands, creating things, fixing things, painting things than doing anything else. Enough "things" in this sentence?
  • I love to see the amazement on my husband's face when I do something that he didn't think I could do, would think to do or especially, make something that saved us money because we didn't have to buy it. See the sunscreen picture below. I actually made 10 to go across the back of our house about 3 years ago because it faces the east and got really hot during the summer. We made some made for another house 18 years ago and they were very expensive.
  • If someone else can learn to do it...so can I.
  • Why should I pay to have someone else do it when I can do it myself? Especially, in this economy!
  • I found out last night that I can actually groom my dog and she looks good!
  • Now that it is spring in Arkansas...I really wish I didn't have a full time job!!!
  • I have so many projects that I want to do but don't have the time to do them. One at a time, after work and on the weekends...I guess.

What have you learned this week? Visit Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife for more wonderful learning experiences.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!


  1. Hi Jennifer!!

    I have proof of your handiwork over my fireplace!! And I received a compliment on this from one of my daughter's friends this weekend--actually took it down and looked it all over and said, "And someone MADE this for you?"

    I know that I could stay home full time and never be bored....maybe someday!!

    Time--yes, time--I wish I had more time to do all the "things" I have lined up to do.


  3. I am so like that too my friend. I'll go in a craft store and take pictures of things I like because I'm like, "I can make that!" LOL.
    Doesn't feel good to save your family money! Great things this week my friend.

  4. You arevery wise my friend, love you.

  5. Hey Jenn - Now that you have mastered pet grooming,could you groom my dog? (ha ha) Sounds like you have had an amazing GOD week!! -love ya, Laurie

  6. Great list. I agree. If someone else can do it so can we. May take me a little longer, but I can learn it too. Good job grooming your own doggie.
    BTW...Love your facebook picture. Beautiful.

  7. Good for you! I am terrible with my hands. I try to do things, but it never really works very well. Glad you're doing well my friend! Hang in there! The weekend's coming!

  8. I'm totally with ya on the why pay when you can do it theory! Keep it up sistah!

  9. Jennifer,

    I truly believe that the things you listed above are part of what Proverbs 31 speaks of with regards to be a good wife and mother.

    Thank you for reminding us to take time out of our busy days and remember what we are taking out of it.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  10. So enjoyed your 'things'!!! You get the prize for the number of 'things' in a sentence!!

    Bless you, dear one...

  11. Amen to your first two points.

    And as for me, I know *I* can't learn to fix or make everything I need around the house, but my very handy husband can!

  12. Great "things" you have learned this week :)

  13. My dog needs to be groomed....I have always wondered if I could learn how????

  14. Oh, you go girl! It's great to have that satisfaction of accomplishing something!

    BTW, I love your new picture!

  15. Sounds like you learned a lot this week. Congrats to you :-)!!!

    I love to surprise my hubby to and do something really cool I've never done before.. too fun!


Thank you for stopping by today and sharing your heart felt thoughts with me. As we ride "Through the Storms of Life" together, chances are...your situation is different than mine. However, we serve the same awesome God, King of Kings who is in complete control and it all belongs to Him anyway...He wants to give you the very best. Be encouraged my friend, God loves you!

Thank you again for taking the time to visit me at "Through the Storms of Life".


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