Friday, January 16, 2009

~Lastest Update on Ronnie~

Ronnie came through surgery this afternoon and is doing well. They didn't remove the oral cancer due to the extent of the tissue that would have to be removed but put in a port cath and took a biopsy. They will begin radiation and chemo soon.

Please continue to lift Ronnie and his family up in prayer during this very difficult time of recovery and treatment. Pray that the treatments are successful, pray for strength, peace and that they will be able to rest in Him.

Thank you for praying for our dear friends. I am so thankful that God doesn't require us to know one another personally to be able to carry each other's burden and lay them at the feet of Jesus.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!


  1. Praise God for bringing him through the surgery. My prayers continue.

  2. Glad he came thru surgery! God is so good.

  3. Glad he came through the surgery ok. I will be praying.

    Take care my friend!

  4. I know you're thankful...will be praying.

    ...tried to send you some snow via USPS, but when I brought it inside to a fix the melted!
    Just look at my blog pictures while you sit on your porch in the cold! More is on the way SAT & SUN ! It's -10 now brrrrr

  5. Jennifer,

    I will pray for your friend and his family.

    Thank you so much for your prayers for my daughter. They mean so much to me.

    I was so encouraged and I obviously was weary and needed it.

    Hugs to you, my friend. I often pray for your son, too. I am encouraged when I read of his heart being pulled by the Spirit towards 'home'.


Thank you for stopping by today and sharing your heart felt thoughts with me. As we ride "Through the Storms of Life" together, chances are...your situation is different than mine. However, we serve the same awesome God, King of Kings who is in complete control and it all belongs to Him anyway...He wants to give you the very best. Be encouraged my friend, God loves you!

Thank you again for taking the time to visit me at "Through the Storms of Life".


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