Thursday, January 8, 2009

~Awards Day~

I was honored today with the "Being Real" Award by Beth at I'm Headed Towards My Destiny.

What an honor this is, Beth!

You have blessed me beyond words with this award. It is hard sometimes to expose yourself for all the world to see your faults, flaws and shortcomings, but this is what God is asking me to do. He has asked me to help those who need encouraging, are hurting and the ones that feel there is not any hope. I can only do that from my own experiences, pain, tests and trials.

Who would I ever help if I kept it locked away inside my little secret know...the place you keep all your hurts and mistakes...praying no one will ever know you thought that, felt that or ever went there?

Thank you again, Beth! I love you.
I am so sorry that I haven't acknowleged the other awards that I was given back in early December, but with my mom breaking her hip, hospital stay, rehab, Christmas and New Year's...I'm just now getting around to posting them. Please don't think that I didn't love and appreciate each one. Each one holds a special place in my heart, as does the precious bloggy friend who gave it to me.

This one is from Samantha at Mama's aMusings and Heather at A Day In My Life. Thank you so much, Samantha and Heather!!!

This award represents this:"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find, and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers."

I am supposed to pass it on to 8 people. I am sure some of you have already received this award and if you do...that's ok...I'm a little behind :-(

If you haven't received this award before, please feel free to grab this one because in the nearly year that I have been blogging, I haven't met anyone who hasn't tried to befriend others. You ladies are all winners of this award in my book!!!

I was given this Fabulous Award by Debra at Clothed in Scarlet! Thank you so much, Debra...I think you are pretty fabulous yourself :-)

I am to confess up to five addictions and then pass on to five other Fabulous Sisters.

Five addictions: #1 Jesus #2 Roger #3 Children and grandson: Brandon, Tyler, Sommer, Ryan and Mason #4
logging!!!! #5 Diet Dr. Pepper!!!

Now to nominate five Fabulous Women ... You all are fabulous in my, feel free to grab this award too...since I'm so far behind in passing these on.

Thank you again for honoring me with such wonderful, encouraging awards, ladies!

Have a wonderfully blessed day!


  1. You definitely deserve them my friend! You and your blog are such a blessing!

    Thank you for being real!

  2. Congrats on your awards Jen. The first one is truly awesome!

  3. congratulations! more blessings your way... ♥

  4. What nice "happies" to recieve. You deserve the awards and I am very proud of you! love, Laurie

  5. Congratulations, Jennifer!!

    That first one is truly awesome!! And you are right--if we aren't real in our hurts, our sorrows, our pains as well as our good times--how will we show to others how God has led and directed us through these times and then give Him all the glory!!

    Thanks for being real!!



Thank you for stopping by today and sharing your heart felt thoughts with me. As we ride "Through the Storms of Life" together, chances are...your situation is different than mine. However, we serve the same awesome God, King of Kings who is in complete control and it all belongs to Him anyway...He wants to give you the very best. Be encouraged my friend, God loves you!

Thank you again for taking the time to visit me at "Through the Storms of Life".


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